Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Bad news: 
1. Caleb and I aren't together anymore. I told him I wasn't feeling the same way about him as I once had, and that people grow and change and find out more about themselves and what they want in someone else... I know I tore his heart apart, but I'm glad that we're still able to be friends.
2. My mom and step-dad bought a house in Richmond. They'll be moving in within the next month. Until then, our house in Lowell will sit emptily until someone makes an offer on it.
3. My cat Checkers has oral cancer and only has a few months to live, according to the vet. I'd rather not talk anymore about this though.

Good news:
1. I got accepted into Appalachian State University! Aaaaand, I got into the honors program.  I actually did a little dance when I got the letter in the mail.
2. I love psychology.  I'm taking it at school because Gaston College was offering it, and I love love love every minute of it.  The teacher, the material, everything.
3. I'm graduating high school in less than 80 days.  It's so hard to believe, but I am so ready for it.
4. I'm learning to live life to the fullest and forgive anyone that would hold me back from doing so.  My friends mean so much to me, and I appreciate every second that I get to spend with them.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy New Year!

Photo taken on January 1st, 2009, three seconds into the new year -- Caleb and I played with sparklers and drank sparkling white grape juice while we watched 5,500 firecrackers go off in our yard. Donovan, Holly (his girlfriend), my dad, Caleb, & I all celebrated New Year's at my dad's house. We played Apples to Apples and ate and waited and watched movies till midnight.

Christmas was great. I got a Nikon D60, Uggs, a red pea coat, an art easel, Sweeney Todd on DVD (!!!!), gift cards, money, Burt's Bees stuff, lotion with minerals from the Dead Sea, & much much more. It was by far the best Christmas I've ever had.

On January 5th -- also, the first day back to school -- I went to Hugh's Eagle Scout ceremony in Belmont. Kristen, Leah, Sean, Mrs. Clagg, Mrs. Ward, & his troop were all there. I got to meet his family, too! Hugh asked me to bless the food -- which was was abundant and delicious -- and we all had a really good time.

Two weeks vacation: that's what I get because of exam exemptions. The school changed the schedule because of Obama's inauguration, though I don't know why it would have really mattered if we took an exam on the 20th anyways. Oh well.

What am I going to do for two weeks? I'd usually just sit around and enjoy the time we have off, but that's what I did over Christmas break. I'm planning on visiting App with Leah and maybe going skiing while we're up there, but that's only for a day or two. My dad's taking us out to Charlotte Restaurant Week one night next week, but I guess two more weeks of boredom is inevitable.

Since we're starting a new semester, I won't have Yearbook anymore. I'm going to miss it. I'll probably even miss the stress of deadlines and inadequate captions and sellings ads. I'm still the editor and everything, but it sucks knowing that I can't be there for people when they need me. I know Moon can handle it because she's been doing it for so long, but I hate that I can't be there for me when she gets stressed out. To my staff: I love you, and good luck next semester.